
  • 3rd Place for Katie at British Nationals Gravel Champs

  • Britsh U23 Gravel Champ

    for Adam and 7th Overall

  • 9th Jess

    Mens E123 Mountbattern Circuit Race

  • Milestone Reached

    Paul Competed in First Circuit Race of the season

  • 1st Adam

    Mens E123 Mountbattern Circuit Race

  • 6th for Adam at season opener Postdown Classic

  • 5th Place:

    Jess at British National MTB Matathon Champs

  • Season Goal

    Adam moves up to 1st Cat

Unlock Your Athletic Potential






Unlock Your Athletic Potential






Unlock Your Athletic Potential






Holistic Coaching Where Science, Experience, and Personalisation Meet.

Holistic Coaching Where Science, Experience, and Personalisation Meet.

Holistic Coaching Where Science, Experience, and Personalisation Meet.

Personalised coaching that goes far beyond just setting workouts.

Personalised coaching that goes far beyond just setting workouts.

How It Works.

How It Works.


Understand You

What and how have you done it?

Join Up: connect and share training, recovery, HRV and other data.

Meet Up: talk through previous training.

Establish: your strengths and weaknesses.


Understand Your Goals

Example of performing goal analysis for athlete focused on sportive events

What do you want to do and what will it take?

What do you want to achieve: Both short-term and long-term?

Understanding the demands: To achieve your goals based on your unique physiology

Develop your path forward: What it takes to reach your goals


Make A Plan

Year training plan view example

How are we going to get there?

Key Sessions: Targeted workouts purely focused on enhancing your physiological performance

Block Periodization: Optimized progress with concentrated, goal-specific training cycles

Polarised Training: Maximise gains by avoiding mixed-intensity workouts

Now To You.

Do Some Training

Exmple of training session data

You do this bit, we monitor and cheer you on.

Apply External Load: Push your limits - Speed, Distance, Power

Track Internal Load: Listen to your body - Heart Rate, Recovery, Adaptation

Monitor Subjective Load: Tune into yourself - Effort, Mood, Motivation

Lets Talk About It.

Weekly Updates

Example of training plan adaptations in a week

Weekly Call to Maximise Personalisation.

Adapt training: to changes in progression, fatigue, sleep, life-demands

Ensure Goldilocks Load: Optimise session stress - not too much, not too little, but just right

Education: Understand what you're doing and why, at all times

And Then.


Jess winning cicle classic 2023 British National round

Prepare and Achieve your Goals.

Event Planning: Course analysis, pacing strategies, and nutrition plans

Event-Day Interventions: On-the-spot strategies to enhance performance


Rest, Re-Evaluate and Go Again!


Understand You

What and how have you done it?

Join Up: connect and share training, recovery, HRV and other data.

Meet Up: talk through previous training.

Establish: your strengths and weaknesses.


Understand Your Goals

Example of performing goal analysis for athlete focused on sportive events

What do you want to do and what will it take?

What do you want to achieve: Both short-term and long-term?

Understanding the demands: To achieve your goals based on your unique physiology

Develop your path forward: What it takes to reach your goals


Make A Plan

Year training plan view example

How are we going to get there?

Key Sessions: Specific sessions that purely focus on improving physiology

Polarised: Avoid the blunting effect my mixing pathways during training

Block Periodisation: To maximise improvements in key physiological areas.

Now To You.

Do Some Training

Exmple of training session data

You do this bit, we monitor and cheer you on.

Apply External Load: Push your limits - Speed, Distance, Power

Track Internal Load: Listen to your body - Heart Rate, Recovery, Adaptation

Monitor Subjective Load: Tune into yourself - Effort, Mood, Motivation

Lets Talk About It.

Weekly Updates

Example of training plan adaptations in a week

Weekly Call to Maximise Personalisation.

Adapt training: to changes in progression, fatigue, sleep, life-demands

Ensure Goldilocks Load: Optimise session stress - not too much, not too little, but just right

Education: Understand what you're doing and why, at all times

And Then.


Jess winning cicle classic 2023 British National round

Prepare and Achieve your Goals.

Planing: course analysis, pacing stratergies and nutrition plan.

Interventions: On the day interventions to improve performace for the event


Rest, Re-Evaluate and Go Again!


Understand You

What and how have you done it?

Join Up: connect and share training, recovery, HRV and other data.

Meet Up: talk through previous training.

Establish: your strengths and weaknesses.


Understand Your Goals

Example of performing goal analysis for athlete focused on sportive events

What do you want to do and what will it take?

What do you want to achieve: Both short-term and long-term?

Understanding the demands: To achieve your goals based on your unique physiology

Develop your path forward: What it takes to reach your goals


Make A Plan

Year training plan view example

How are we going to get there?

Key Sessions: Specific sessions that purely focus on improving physiology

Polarised: Avoid the blunting effect my mixing pathways during training

Block Periodisation: To maximise improvements in key physiological areas.

Now To You.

Do Some Training

Exmple of training session data

You do this bit, we monitor and cheer you on.

Apply External Load: Push your limits - Speed, Distance, Power

Track Internal Load: Listen to your body - Heart Rate, Recovery, Adaptation

Monitor Subjective Load: Tune into yourself - Effort, Mood, Motivation

Lets Talk About It.

Weekly Updates

Example of training plan adaptations in a week

Weekly Call to Maximise Personalisation.

Adapt training: to changes in progression, fatigue, sleep, life-demands

Ensure Goldilocks Load: Optimise session stress - not too much, not too little, but just right

Education: Understand what you're doing and why, at all times

And Then.


Prepare and Achieve your Goals.

Planing: course analysis, pacing stratergies and nutrition plan.

Interventions: On the day interventions to improve performace for the event


Rest, Re-Evaluate and Go Again!

All Coaches

Access our entire team of expert coaches

All Coaches

All Coaches

Access our entire team of expert coaches

Weekly Updates

Regular check-ins to keep you on track

Weekly Updates

Weekly Updates

Regular check-ins to keep you on track

Unlimited Contact

Reach out anytime for support and guidance

Unlimited Contact

Unlimited Contact

Reach out anytime for support and guidance

Choose Your Coaching Style

Specific Goal

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Precise and focused training to conquer your target event


Perfect for dedicated athletes with a single mission.

Specific Goal

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Precise and focused training to conquer your target event


Perfect for dedicated athletes with a single mission.

Specific Goal

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Precise and focused training to conquer your target event


Perfect for dedicated athletes with a single mission.

On Demand

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Questioning what your doing? Get instant guidance when you need it most


Pay for the week when you need it most.

On Demand

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Questioning what your doing? Get instant guidance when you need it most


Pay for the week when you need it most.

On Demand

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Questioning what your doing? Get instant guidance when you need it most


Pay for the week when you need it most.


Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Unwavering support around the clock for your competitive lifestyle


Ideal for Dedicated athletes who live and breathe competition


Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Unwavering support around the clock for your competitive lifestyle


Ideal for Dedicated athletes who live and breathe competition


Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Unwavering support around the clock for your competitive lifestyle


Ideal for Dedicated athletes who live and breathe competition

Make me a Pro!

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

We want to be pro as much as you do! Lets work together.


Free coaching for those aspiring to become pro.

Make me a Pro!

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

We want to be pro as much as you do! Lets work together.


Free coaching for those aspiring to become pro.

Make me a Pro!

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

We want to be pro as much as you do! Lets work together.


Free coaching for those aspiring to become pro.


Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

All the gear but no idea? Skip the learning curve and start progressing.


For athletes who are new to it.


Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

All the gear but no idea? Skip the learning curve and start progressing.


For athletes who are new to it.


Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

All the gear but no idea? Skip the learning curve and start progressing.


For athletes who are new to it.

Call a Coach

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

No cost. Just our way of giving back. Book a 20min call on all things coaching


For athletes just wanting advice, direction and general help

Call a Coach

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

No cost. Just our way of giving back. Book a 20min call on all things coaching


For athletes just wanting advice, direction and general help

Call a Coach

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

No cost. Just our way of giving back. Book a 20min call on all things coaching


For athletes just wanting advice, direction and general help

What Makes Us Special

What Makes Us Special

What Makes Us Special

Why Choose Qdos?

Weekly Virtual Catch-Ups: The Heart of Our Service

The Key to Sustainable Success: Nurturing every aspect of what makes you an athlete

Completing workouts is just one aspect of improving athletic performance


Devices are only provide a limited viewpoint of what is going on.

The weekly call allows us to talk about everything else that isn't captured by your heart rate monitor … which is ALOT!

Subjective holds the secrets: By truly understand how you body responds and adapts outside of the workouts we are able to take personalisation to the next level. Allowing us to provide the training that stresses the body in a sustainable way.

Provide interventions other than just workouts: Work on all aspects of your athletic lifestyle, by tackling one at a time with which ever one is holding you back the most.

Are you training or are you just suffering? Pain does not mean gain. Yes you may have completed that session, so the data looks OK, but did you reach the right type of failure to cause adaptations?

Continuous improvement: For us! As we discover more about how you perform and progress, we can improve on the delivery of our coaching

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Weekly Virtual Catch-Ups: The Heart of Our Service

The Key to Sustainable Success: Nurturing every aspect of what makes you an athlete

Completing workouts is just one aspect of improving athletic performance


Devices are only provide a limited viewpoint of what is going on.

The weekly call allows us to talk about everything else that isn't captured by your heart rate monitor … which is ALOT!

Subjective holds the secrets: By truly understand how you body responds and adapts outside of the workouts we are able to take personalisation to the next level. Allowing us to provide the training that stresses the body in a sustainable way.

Provide interventions other than just workouts: Work on all aspects of your athletic lifestyle, by tackling one at a time with which ever one is holding you back the most.

Are you training or are you just suffering? Pain does not mean gain. Yes you may have completed that session, so the data looks OK, but did you reach the right type of failure to cause adaptations?

Continuous improvement: For us! As we discover more about how you perform and progress, we can improve on the delivery of our coaching

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Weekly Virtual Catch-Ups: The Heart of Our Service

The Key to Sustainable Success: Nurturing every aspect of what makes you an athlete

Completing workouts is just one aspect of improving athletic performance


Devices are only provide a limited viewpoint of what is going on.

The weekly call allows us to talk about everything else that isn't captured by your heart rate monitor … which is ALOT!

Subjective holds the Secrets: By truely understand how you body responds and adapts outside of the workouts we are able to take personalisation to the next level. Allowing us to provide interventions that truely support you.

Provide interventions other than just workouts: Work on all aspects of your athletic lifestyle

Are you training or are you just suffering? Pain does not mean gain. Yes you may have completed that session, so the data looks OK, but did you reach the right type of failure to cause adaptations?

Continuous improvement: For us! As we discover more about how you perform and progress, we can improve on the delivery of our coaching

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Training Specificity: Targeted for Adaptation

Workouts that stress the body in the right way, rather than for looking heroic on Strava.

Your body has multiple ways of performing


You need to be targeted to stress the right system in the right way.

Send a clear signal to the body for what to improve by applying a high and specific stress on that particular system… Don't send mixed messaging.

Polarised / Pyramidal Training: Avoid the blunting effect in sweetspot and threshold training by targeting the aerobic and anaerobic systems directly.

Periodisation: periods/blocks of specific training focus to target a key physiological or event-specific demands that helps directly build towards your goals

Failure is good: at the right time and in the right way as we then know we have pushed the body to new places. However, this is impossible without constant feedback of how the sessions are going to ensure the failure mode is due to the system being stress and not due to other factors such as lack of food, or lack of sleep

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Training Specificity: Targeted for Adaptation

Workouts that stress the body in the right way, rather than for looking heroic on Strava.

Your body has multiple ways of performing


You need to be targeted to stress the right system in the right way.

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Send a clear signal to the body for what to improve by applying a high and specific stress on that particular system… Don't send mixed messaging.

Polarised / Pyramidal Training: Avoid the blunting effect in sweetspot and threshold training by targeting the aerobic and anaerobic systems directly.

Periodisation: periods/blocks of specific training focus to target a key physiological or event-specific demands that helps directly build towards your goals

Failure is good: at the right time and in the right way as we then know we have pushed the body to new places. However, this is impossible without constant feedback of how the sessions are going to ensure the failure mode is due to the system being stress and not due to other factors such as lack of food, or lack of sleep

Training Specificity: Targeted for Adaptation

Workouts that stress the body in the right way, rather than for looking heroic on Strava.

Your body has multiple ways of performing


You need to be targeted to stress the right system in the right way.

Racing at British Elite Circuit Series

Send a clear signal to the body for what to improve by applying a high and specific stress on that particular system… Don't send mixed messaging.

Polarised / Pyramidal Training: Avoid the blunting effect in sweetspot and threshold training by targeting the aerobic and anaerobic systems directly.

Subjective holds the Secrets: By truely understand how you body responds and adapts outside of the workouts we are able to take personalisation to the next level. Allowing us to provide interventions that truely support you.

Provide interventions other than just workouts: Work on all aspects of your athletic lifestyle

What They Say.

What They Say.

What They Say.

Common Questions

What equipment do I need

A heart rate monitor is considered minimum. It is possible to coach without it, however, it will be difficulty to safely stress the body without one. Having power isnt a must, but allows us to be more specific with the key and targetted sessions. Even an indoor trainier with power will be really helpful when doing key sessions

How does the coaching work

We create an account of Connect you strava and other devices which will then capture the historical training. We then arrange our first call to get to know each other and make a plan

Is there an start-up fee?

Nope. Due to our set-up and expertise its easy for us to get you going.

What if I can't do my training

Exactly, training and coaching is pointless if it can't be adapted. Our phiilosopy is all about companionship and therefore adaptability. We are available for contact every day to make adjustments. We only put a week of training up, because a plan longer than that will be out of date and not suitable for you.

Are you the right coach for me?


I think I am talented

Great! Get in touch and we will try add you to our talent development programme

Common Questions

What equipment do I need

A heart rate monitor is considered minimum. It is possible to coach without it, however, it will be difficulty to safely stress the body without one. Having power isnt a must, but allows us to be more specific with the key and targetted sessions. Even an indoor trainier with power will be really helpful when doing key sessions

How does the coaching work

We create an account of Connect you strava and other devices which will then capture the historical training. We then arrange our first call to get to know each other and make a plan

Is there an start-up fee?

Nope. Due to our set-up and expertise its easy for us to get you going.

What if I can't do my training

Exactly, training and coaching is pointless if it can't be adapted. Our phiilosopy is all about companionship and therefore adaptability. We are available for contact every day to make adjustments. We only put a week of training up, because a plan longer than that will be out of date and not suitable for you.

Are you the right coach for me?


I think I am talented

Great! Get in touch and we will try add you to our talent development programme

Common Questions

What equipment do I need

A heart rate monitor is considered minimum. It is possible to coach without it, however, it will be difficulty to safely stress the body without one. Having power isnt a must, but allows us to be more specific with the key and targetted sessions. Even an indoor trainier with power will be really helpful when doing key sessions

How does the coaching work

We create an account of Connect you strava and other devices which will then capture the historical training. We then arrange our first call to get to know each other and make a plan

Is there an start-up fee?

Nope. Due to our set-up and expertise its easy for us to get you going.

What if I can't do my training

Exactly, training and coaching is pointless if it can't be adapted. Our phiilosopy is all about companionship and therefore adaptability. We are available for contact every day to make adjustments. We only put a week of training up, because a plan longer than that will be out of date and not suitable for you.

Are you the right coach for me?


I think I am talented

Great! Get in touch and we will try add you to our talent development programme

Who We Are.

Who We Are.

Who We Are.

Member image
Member image
Member image


Head Coach

The Sports Scientist

  • Expert in exercise physiology and endurance coaching

  • Applies cutting-edge scientific principles to optimize your training, tailored to your goals and constraints

  • Stays at the forefront of sports science research, integrating the latest findings into coaching practices

The Sports Scientist

  • Expert in exercise physiology and biomechanics

  • Applies cutting-edge scientific principles to optimise your training, tailored to your goals and constraints

  • Stays at the forefront of sports science research, integrating the latest findings into coaching practices

Member image
Member image
Member image

Dr Jamie


The Problem Solver

  • Bringing advanced technical expertise to athletic performance analysis

  • Masters the art of translating complex data into actionable insights for athletes

  • Former cyclist with hands-on experience in various training methods and technologies

Member image
Member image
Member image


Racing Coach

The Pro

  • Brings real-world experience from professional peloton to your training

  • Deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by female athletes

  • Qualified personal trainer and sports scientist

  • Embodies our philosophy: practices what we preach in training, competition and balancing a full time job.

QDOS Coaching.

QDOS Coaching.

QDOS Coaching.

Our Coaching Framework

Perosnalisatoin and Adaptability is at the Core of our Approach!

With each step Monitored, Evaluated and Optimised.

Athlete Performance Target

Understand You

Understand Goal Demands

Weekly Training Update


Performance Outcomes

You body changes constantly, and your training needs to keep up.

Every plan is unique and updated weekly.

Our Coaching Framework

Perosnalisatoin and Adaptability is at the Core of our Approach!

With each step Monitored, Evaluated and Optimised.

Athlete Performance

Understand You

Goal Demands

Weekly Training

Training Plan
External Load
Internal Load
Training Outcomes


You body changes constantly, and your training needs to keep up.

Every plan is unique and updated weekly.

Our Coaching Framework

Perosnalisatoin and Adaptability is at the Core of our Approach!

With each step Monitored, Evaluated and Optimised.

Athlete Performance Target

Understand You

Understand Goal Demands

Weekly Training Update

Training Plan
External Load
Internal Load
Training Outcomes

Performance Outcomes

You body changes constantly, and your training needs to keep up.

Every plan is unique and updated weekly.

Get In Touch

Unlock Your Athletic Potential


Unlock Your Athletic Potential


Unlock Your Athletic Potential